Accountability Cohort

With Harvest Consulting

Accountability Cohort

With Harvest Consulting

Effective Systems Lead to Excellent Customer Experiences.  

Become the leader your business needs so you can fulfill your promises to your new customers.

Imagine if you could...


Have your business support your life vs. rather than your life supporting it.


Stop procrastinating and putting the difficult tasks in your business on the "back burner".


Transform complicated tasks into easy, manageable, and achievable actions.

"The Accountability Cohort helped me build up the systems and structures I needed to stay organized from the beginning and I can see how it would be super helpful no matter what point you are at in your business. The cohort really help set up that solid foundation that I definitely needed. And I feel like going forward I am set up for success now!"

Bailey Rinderknecht | 3BR Accounting

The Accountability Cohort explained...

In the weekly Accountability Cohort, you’ll receive support, guidance, and masterminding opportunities to build effective systems that help you feel less scattered and more stable. The Cohort and our key systems help you achieve inbox zero, live your ideal workweek, organize your cloud storage, and set up effective project management tools — all so you can have better experiences for your customers, team, and life. 

As a member of the Cohort, you’ll learn to organize yourself and be “on point” so you can build trust as a leader and as a business owner. In doing that, you’ll also receive support in hiring, onboarding, training, retaining an executive assistant so you can thrive now.

You’ll receive...

✅ Weekly One Hour Zoom Accountability Sessions

✅ Each Individual Reports Progress & Questions

✅ Metrics Scorecard (For Weekly Reporting at Session)

✅ Weekly Action Step Assigned

✅ Follow up and group conversations in Slack 

✅ Access to our Private Facebook Group

✅ A Group of Motivated Business Owners with Vast Knowledge

✅ Quarterly Celebration Meeting

Get bonus access to the Harvest library of systems and assets such as:

✅ Video tutorials on effective system implementations

✅ Key role job descriptions

✅ Key performance indicators (KPIs)

✅ Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

✅ A list of trusted virtual assistant agencies

✅ And much much more

Does this sound like you?


You're an action taker who wants your business to explode but keep putting off the projects that’ll get you there.


You’re nervous to market because you’re afraid that operations cannot support a quality experience.


You want an opportunity to walk through roadblocks and use your problem solving and creative energy towards strategy rather than “in the weeds” details.


You desire consistency, support and the structure to gain traction and are ready to designate funds to grow your business.


You’ve read all the books, and attended all the events and know it’s time to implement and put it into action.


You wish for stability in operations in order to support business growth and sustain more sales.

If you're tired of dealing with these problems...

Want to Visit or to Invite a Visitor???
